Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New roof

Larry has been trying to get a new roof on the barn most of the spring. He suits up in a harness and climbs up through the ventilator onto the roof. He has been working both side (front & back) at the same time. Lately it seem that every time he gets up there the wind starts blowing and he has to get back down. He only has a few pieces of steel to put up, if only the wind will quiet down!

1 comment:

Roof Ventilators said...

Nice description. There are various types of roofing which are considered traditional. Composition or asphalt shingles, wood shingles, slate, metal or tile. Composition shingles are also known asphalt shingles. This type of shingle is the most common by far, and the reason for this is because of the price. This type costs the least, is low maintenance and durable.
