Thursday, June 19, 2008

Greg becomes a bank!

The only exciting thing that has happened this last week
was that Gregory decided he wanted to become a bank, by
swallowing a quarter! It happened yesterday while Katy was at
work. Mary decided to go to work with Katy so she could use
the wireless Internet at the book store. Greg was upstairs playing
a game on Katy's TV, or so I thought, when he came down
choking and told me he had swallowed a quarter. Being the
GREAT Grandmother that I am, I called 911! The paramedics
came and took his blood pressure and oxygen levels, he was
talking and breathing just fine. Then the ambulance shows up,
but Katy got there and took him into the after hours clinic.
After x-rays showed that it is in his stomach, the Dr. said that
it should pass through in a few days. If you remember it happened
when he was about 2 1/2 years old, that's how we ended up with
the bird, HURLEY, we rescued it from the hospital parking lot.
At least this time I didn't end up with an extra animal!

1 comment:

amy said...

You need a metal detector (if his body stops beeping then the quarter is out) is way better than squishing poop in a plastic bag...been there done that when connor swallowed a wheel from a little car! Think if it as a learning oppertunity...trace his body on some paper cut it out...draw in his throat, stomach, and intestines and show him where the quarter has to go to get out!