Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Mary & I spent the week of July 14th through the 18th at VBS for the Byron Methodist Church. We were the craft leaders for the pre-schoolers, 3-4-5 year olds. We camp every year with a group of others from the church that are there to volunteer for the week. This is the 5th year that Mary & I have helped with the pre-schoolers. In years past we had one age group, 4 or 5 year olds the whole day, this year the kids rotated to each station, Story time, crafts, and games.
It seemed to work out better the way we did it this year. Each day we would have between 40 and 50 pre-schoolers. The beginning of the week everything was going pretty well, of course there's atleast 1 or 2 that don't listen to what your trying to tell them your going to do, but by Friday I had lost complete control! That day I was lucky to have 1 or 2 that listened and the rest just ran amuck! By Friday we were all glad to have VBS over for another year. I think that next year I'll volunteer for the older grades. I'm getting to old to be a babysitter for 50 pre-schoolers!

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